The Twilight's PeakTRAVELLER

Imperial Library Search Results

Number of like terms found for Directions, Galactic: 1

Directions, Galactic

North, south, east, west are insufficient terms for referring to directions within the galaxy. Instead, the following conventions have achieved widespread acceptance when referring to direction: Toward the galactic core (toward Capital from Terra) is coreward; away from it, in the direction of the rim, is rimward. In the direction in which the galaxy is rotating (toward Regina from Vland) is spinward, and the opposite direction is trailing. These directions are widely used in describing Imperial features and businesses. For example, the Spinward Marches is a Sector at the extreme spinward fringe of the Imperium. Finally, within the Imperium, the term coreward is also used to indicate the direction of Capital, the Imperial core. There is some potential for confusion if the term is accepted out of context.